Reword the features of your business into the benefits, on what you can do for them. What’s at the heart, the core of what you do? This will take you some time, so be prepared to invest both time and effort. Just take care not to over-rehearse.The Fix: Look at your business from the perspective of your clients. You have to condense what’s great about what you do into a sentence or two. The person listening may be your ideal audience, so it’s worth spending time to make your elevator speech a good one. If you’re too wordy, it dilutes your key message.The reasons go deep.Also, especially if you’re an introvert, you may always find it challenging to put yourself out there with strangers. Even when you’re in a networking situation, you’ll have a better chance of making an impression if someone who knows the person is introducing you. The expectation that an elevator speech will warm up a cold prospect is a setup for rejection.Your elevator speech is not designed to make a sale.The Fix: Spend the time and effort needed to condense what you do down to its essence.The Fix: Adjust your expectations. It’s an invitation to elaborate further. You are sharing something important about yourself, what you love to do, with someone you’re just meeting for the first time.Remember what I said about the average attention span of an adult being 8 seconds? You have very little time in which to express what you do. What one sentence sums up what you do? Distill your business down to its essence. You never know what kind of reception you’ll get. Then corral a few friends you trust or your partner to practice on at first. ‘Elevator pitch’ is even more cringe-worthy.Once you have an elevator speech that feels right, you’re comfortable with, and has led to really good conversations, it’s tempting to just keep it.So let’s pay attention to the key mistakes that people make with their elevator speeches, so that you can move past them to more productive territory. People are put off by those who want something from them. You’re making yourself vulnerable about a business you love.First of all, it’s hard to put yourself out there.The goal of an elevator speech is to stimulate interest.” That’s it. Take the longer view and just make it about connecting with another human being.When you make your message clear, your ideal prospect will instantly recognize that you are someone they want to get to know.Many entrepreneurs cringe when they hear, ‘elevator speech’. That may feel like a blow, but it’s true. The important question always is, does it accurately reflect your business? Your business will grow and change.Elevator speeches are a source of dread for many entrepreneurs.The Fix: Instead of cold calling, spend your energy on warming up your prospects by building relationships and following up on referrals. If they are also your ideal audience, listen to their feedback and make adjustments. Mistake Panoramic elevators3: Your expectations are too high. When you feel more comfortable, take it out on the road with new people.Mistake #6: You never change your elevator speech.Cold calling is a very low ROI (return on investment) activity. Your elevator speech has to change right along with it.It’s just one sentence, maybe two, right? How hard could this be? It’s actually much more difficult to distill something down than it is to talk at length. Stumbling through it gives a very poor initial impression. That’s a great basis for connection.Mistake #2: You wing it. According to a recent study, the average adult’s attention span is just 8 seconds, so you have to make it good to capture people’s attention.Third, so many of us are just plain bad at it. It may never feel easy.The purpose of an elevator speech is to share what you offer, boiled down to its essence.The Fix: Your elevator speech is about making a connection.Mistake #1: You’re talking features, not benefits.Mistake #4: It’s too long.Second, as a way to present your business, it has shortcomings. So practice!Share with your mirror at first. The person may not turn out to be a prospect, but they may be able to connect you with others who are. The fixes in this article will help you to move into greater ease and comfort with this valuable tool. Focus on that and the other person will sense it. I admit, it’s not a term I like either. They care what it can do for them.The Fix: You’ll only feel comfortable with your elevator speech once you’ve said it many times, and the place to start is with practice.The thing is, you’ll always be meeting strangers, before they become friends.In honor of our 8-second attention spans, here are 8 common mistakes that many people make when they introduce themselves and their business in an elevator speech, and the fix that solves the problem.The Fix: After writing out what you do, be really strict with yourself in cutting that down to the bone, so that it shares only what you need people to know.The Fix: When your business goes through a change, revisit your elevator speech.Mistake #5: You assume it will be easy. You will, however, be invited to have some great conversations with people who are interested in what you offer.When you are first introducing yourself, your first goal is to make a connection. You don’t have to be one of them.. Does it still express what’s most important about your business? If it doesn’t, take the time to adjust it so that the next people you meet hear the truth of your business, # right now. The best outcome you can have is for someone say, ‘Tell me more.Mistake #7: You are using your elevator speech for cold calling. Keep it fresh.Your audience really doesn’t care what your business does or how you do it.That said, you’ll do best if you don’t have a transactional approach. And work on getting comfortable with the discomfort – it’s an edge that is worth going to, again and again, in service of what you can offer to people who really need it. Putting pressure on yourself to sell with your elevator speech just makes connecting more difficult. So, focus your few seconds of attention on what is most important from their perspective.Not practicing your elevator speech is a big mistake. No one will be pulling out his or her wallet after your elevator speech.Mistake #8: You think an elevator speech is about selling. And some of them could become your best clients


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If you wondering why you should have a home panoramic elevator, here are four important considerations that can help you make your decision. Independence for the Mobility ImpairedIn a multilevel home, stairs can be a major obstacle if you have a family member with mobility issues. They face risk of falls and slips if they use the stairs. Lack of accessibility would alienate them from the family activities happening on other floors and make them have to depend on others for get from one level to another. An elevator would change all this by providing them with freedom of movement. Elevators from leading manufacturers like Savaria and Federal Elevator are user-friendly and come with advanced security facilities such as stop button for emergency stop at any point or level, emergency lights during power failure, manual lowering adaptors, and many such advanced features for safe and smooth floor-to-floor access.

 Convenience and ComfortRemember the time when you came back from the office after a hard day’s work and were too exhausted to climb the stairs to your bedroom? With a home elevator, you would not have to worry about this. It can also speed up your daily routine and make life much easier. An elevator is also a great help at parties where your guests are spread out across different floors. In short, residential elevators make daily living easier and more comfortable for people with or without accessibility issues.Enhances the Value of a HomeElevators increase the market value of homes. Whether you have an economical, standard system or a luxury residential elevator, the resale value of your home would increase considerably. Most models come with many customization options for flooring, wall panels, doors, enclosures, lighting, flooring and hall stations with different types of finishes. You system can be personalized to suit the aesthetics of your home. An elevator increases the space of the house by reducing the stair space, which in turn, increases the usable floor area of the house.


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